Publication - Bioavailability of cationic surfactants
01 Feb 2013

Towards a better understanding of the bioavailability and partition behaviour of cationic surfactants Draft Final Report of the Contribution from IRAS (Utrecht University)


This report summarizes the major outcome of the contribution of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) to the project “Towards a better understanding of the bioavailability and partition behaviour of cationic surfactants”. This project was funded by the CEFIC Oleochemicals & Surfactants sector group (CEFIC-APAG). Research was performed at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig for a period of 3 years. The duration of the research at IRAS was four years because it was performed within a PhD study (Yi Chen). Results of the UFZ contribution are reported in 2012. With this report, the contribution of IRAS can be regarded as
finished. We regard this as a draft final report because it will be discussed at a meeting in June 2013 of the researchers and representatives of CEFIC-APAG and the discussions may lead to some changes in the document. After the June meeting, a final version will be prepared. Some of the data presented in this report are published or are presented in manuscripts that are submitted for publication or will soon be submitted. Some data are not yet compiled in the form of a manuscript and we present here only the final results. More detailed information about experimental methods will become available in the near future in the form of manuscripts for scientific publication and these manuscripts or publications will be added to this report after the June meeting.